Sunday, November 9, 2008


so I am headIng back to my place after work. It was a nIce day at offIce. not much work. enjoyed chattIn wIth my colleagues. roamed around, drank a bIt to much coffee. so I am wIde awake. Its nIce and cozy today outsIde. pleasant breeze, a bIt chIllIng but the effect Is soothIng... too good. Its a perfect day. spIc & span. nothIng was gray today.

I'm thInkIng about her. an evenIng wIth her, dInner, some wIne and a bIt of dance. lovely...!

I'm almost there. headIng up the drIveway, I'm happy and content. the day has been amazIngly satIsfyIng.

I'm at the door now, pressIng the bell, waItIng ImpatIently to barg In and kIss her...

door opens and HE says "SurprIse...!"

I am shocked. shocked out of my wIts. What In the name of god...!! I cant belIeve It. I never thought thIs can happen. how can....
I'm losIng my grIp. Its hard to stand stIll.. Its gettIng dark... I cant see anythIng... n last thIng I heard was a thudd.. I was lyIng flat on my back...

Its not so hard to ImagIne my hysterIcal state. I bet you'd take It harder than I dId.

wanna know who answered the door??

It was ME...!


Amazish said...

Prateek..great entry.
i guess the mirror showed u what u asked for..the most beautiful of them all!! hehe..
the post leaves me a bizzare state of mind..anyways..thats what u r here for..

Anonymous said...

thats flat out weird & brilliant......grt work dude

Anonymous said...

ummm...frank..such short stories ending in weirdity are always beyond me...:) But I know you do a good the one short story of urs I got to read...

Arjun M said...


he's being the eeshtoopid fellow we all know him to be!